Healthcare Disclaimer

This website contains materials, including and not limited to multimedia and for informational purposes only.  The information given on this website is to educate consumers on health care and medical issues that may affect their daily lives. There’s no content, products or services that should be considered, or used as a substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or specific health needs on this site. You must always seek medical advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.

The information written on this website is not to answer your medical condition or treatment. You should never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice because of the information you get from this website.

There are no warrants that our products and services offered on this site are safe, appropriate, or effective for you.

Please contact immediately a qualified health care professional if you have or suspected having a medical problem and condition. Please call 911 or call for emergency medical help if you are in the united states and are experiencing a medical emergency on the nearest telephone.

Stoufer Clinical Acupunvture may modify these Healthcare Disclaimer at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting the updated disclaimer on Stoufer Clinical Acupuncture Site. Visiting, accessing or using the services on our site means you review and accept this agreement as you open any of our site pages here and you’re aware of such modifications.


21348 Provincial Blvd
Katy, TX 77450

Mon-Fri 10:00am - 7:00pm
Text or call: (832) 767 8461

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